Difficulties encountered by a woman who wears hijaab
21,857Ruling on taking off hijaab when travelling abroad
13,285Do You Have to Wear Hijab in Front of Non-Muslim Women?
It is not obligatory to wear Hijab in front of non-Muslim women because they are like all other women according to the more correct of the two scholarly views unless a woman fears that the non-Muslim woman may describe her to her husband or to any other non-mahram man.82,307Requirements of Proper Hijab
Proper Hijab should: 1. Should cover all the body. 2. Should not be an adornment in and of itself. 3. Should be thick and not transparent or see-through. 4. Should be loose. 5. Should not be perfumed. 6. Should not resemble the clothing of men. 7. Should not resemble the dress of disbelieving women. 8. Should not be a garment of fame and vanity.354,523Who Is a Woman’s Mahram?
A woman’s mahram is a person whom she is never permitted to marry because of their close blood relationship or because of breastfeeding or because they are related by marriage.548,670Does a woman have to wear hijaab when she does sajdat al-tilaawah?
45,830When is it permissible for a woman to uncover her face?