Basic Tenets of FaithView›
Answers: 119
Subcategories: 6
Hadith & its SciencesView›
Answers: 72
Subcategories: 4
The Quran and its SciencesView›
Answers: 131
Subcategories: 3
Fiqh of the familyView›
Answers: 111
Subcategories: 18
Etiquette, Morals and Heart-SoftenersView›
Answers: 23
Subcategories: 3
Knowledge & PropagationView›
Answers: 8
Subcategories: 2
Psychological and Social ProblemsView›
Answers: 272
Subcategories: 2
Islamic history and biographyView›
Answers: 67
Subcategories: 3
Pedagogy education and upbringingView›
Answers: 13
Subcategories: 2
He vowed to give charity if the team he supports won the match
5,331What is the ruling on one who swore on the Mushaf (Qur’an) when he was not in a state of purity?
30,118She Vowed to Fast Nine Days of Dhul-Hijjah but Her Husband Refused: What Should She Do?
1. If a wife makes a vow to fast the first nine days of Dhul-Hijjah on a permanent basis, it is a vow to do an act of obedience and she is obliged to fulfill it. 2. The husband does not have the right to prevent her from doing that, because her husband may only prevent her from observing voluntary fasts. Please see the details below.10,794He swore that he would never do a certain thing in his life, and stipulated that he would fast for thirty consecutive days if he did it, and if he did not fulfill that obligation, then he would fast for sixty consecutive days – and he has broken his
16,580She vowed to sacrifice two sheep; can she give them to provide iftaar to people who are fasting?
9,108Does clicking on the “I swear by Almighty Allah” button on some CDs count as an oath? Is it within their rights to prevent the purchaser from doing what he wants with it?
8,153A vow to do something that Allah has made obligatory and enjoined upon people is not valid
18,059A Catholic woman promised Allah that she would not get married if Allah forgave her sins, then she became Muslim
10,784She swore that she would not speak to her and she sent her a text message; has she broken her oath?
11,015Ruling on one who swears about something based on what he thinks is likely to be the case, then it turns out to be otherwise