Basic Tenets of FaithView›
Answers: 119
Subcategories: 6
Basic Tenets of Faith
Hadith & its SciencesView›
Answers: 72
Subcategories: 4
Hadith & its Sciences
The Quran and its SciencesView›
Answers: 131
Subcategories: 3
The Quran and its Sciences
Fiqh of the familyView›
Answers: 111
Subcategories: 18
Fiqh of the family
Principles of FiqhView›
Answers: 12
Subcategories: 2
Principles of Fiqh
Knowledge & PropagationView›
Answers: 8
Subcategories: 2
Knowledge & Propagation
Psychological and Social ProblemsView›
Answers: 272
Subcategories: 2
Psychological and Social Problems
Islamic history and biographyView›
Answers: 67
Subcategories: 3
Islamic history and biography
Pedagogy education and upbringingView›
Answers: 13
Subcategories: 2
Pedagogy education and upbringing
Bad behaviour
Should she refuse marriage to someone who has a bad past?
58,559Fasting and Praying without Ghusl after Masturbation
• If masturbation is accompanied by climax, then it breaks the fast and prayer is not valid unless you do Ghusl. If it is not accompanied by climax, then your prayer and fasting are valid. • If a person masturbates and is ignorant of the ruling that it is obligatory to do Ghusl afterwards and that it invalidates the fast, the majority of scholars are of the view that it is obligatory to make them up. Some scholars are of the view that it is not obligatory.424,813He makes some useful contributions on the Internet and sometimes he checks out haraam things, should he stay there or leave?
13,434She has committed sin and wants to repent
38,332Validity of the Fast While Masturbating and Not Ejaculating
If you engaged in masturbation but no semen came out as a result, then the fast is not invalidated. If it did come out, then the fast was invalidated and you have to make up the missed day.162,527Practising the secret habit (masturbation) in Ramadaan
37,930Should he encourage a relationship between a Muslim man and a kaafir woman so as to protect her from evil and call her to good?!
22,044Is it permissible to go to beaches where there is nakedness and free mixing?
31,098If he puts his status on Messenger/Facebook saying that he is out when he is at home
17,055Deceiving and lying are not permitted in dealings with others