Basic Tenets of FaithView›Answers: 119Subcategories: 6
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Plural marriage and fair treatment of co-wives
Misyar Marriage
Misyar marriage is where a man does a Shar’i marriage contract with a woman, meeting the conditions of marriage, but the woman gives up some of her rights such as accommodation, maintenance or the husband’s staying overnight with her. If misyar marriage fulfills the conditions of a valid marriage, namely the proposal and acceptance, the consent of the wali and witnesses or announcement of the marriage, then it is a valid marriage contract.222,328His country forbids plural marriage and he wants to marry a second wife with the permission of her brother but not her father
30,242If a co-wife stays in the hospital or goes to visit her family, does she forfeit her right to a share of her husband’s time?
15,576Is he sinning if he keeps one of his wives with him and sends the other back to his homeland?
15,467Getting married with the intention of divorce and the bad consequences of that
48,023She is very anxious because the second wife may inherit the same as her
35,581His wife is pregnant and he wants to marry a second wife; should he delay the marriage contract?
26,377He regrets his first marriage and wants to take a second wife
45,148He has two wives and it is difficult for him to treat them fairly
13,458Ruling on Plural Marriage
Plural marriage is permissible in Islam, so a man may marry one, two, three or four wives, but it is not permissible for him to marry more than four. Conditions of plural marriage are: 1- justice and fairness, and 2- being able to afford spending on plural wives.45,124