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Ramadaan Q&A
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Subcategories: 12
Belief in the Messengers
What Does Islam Say About Redemption?
Muslims believe that Jesus did not die on the cross and therefore there is no sacrifice, no salvation, and no trinity. Muslims do not believe in the original sin; rather they believe that no one can bear the sin of anyone else, or redeem him with his own self. Allah promises those who repent that their repentance will be accepted. The Messiah affirmed the importance of righteous deeds. He did not tell them of redemption by which they would be saved from the reckoning.38,594Discussion with a Christian about the Crucifixion
264,880Discussion With a Christian: The Oneness of God is the Message of Jesus and all the Prophets, Peace be Upon Them
64,131How long was Maryam pregnant with ‘Eesa (peace be upon him)?
67,354The Lives of the Prophets
57,547What Is Belief in the Messengers?
Belief in the Messengers implies: 1- Firm belief that Allah sent to every nation a messenger to call them to worship Allah Alone, 2- Belief in those messengers whose names we know, such as Muhammad, Ibrahim, Musa, ‘Isa and Nuh, 3- Believing in the sound reports that have been narrated from the messengers, and 4- Following the laws of the messenger who has been sent to us, namely the Final Prophet, Muhammad, who was sent to all of mankind.30,453Why Do We Need Prophets?
We need prophets to guide us to that which is best for us in this world and in the Hereafter. We cannot follow what is best for us with regard to the Hereafter unless we follow the message. We cannot be guided to what is best for us in this world unless we follow the message.31,306Who Was the First Prophet?
Prophet Adam, the father of mankind, was a Prophet, so he was the first of the Prophets and Prophet Nuh was the first of the Messengers of Allah.107,371Who Is Noah?
Prophet Noah was one of the messengers of Allah. Noah called his people, and he remained among them for one thousand years less fifty (i.e., 950 years), calling them to worship Allah Alone and to give up idol-worship. For more, see the detailed answer.54,138Ibraaheem (peace be upon him)