MarriageSubcategories: 9
Subcategories: 9
Calling non-Muslims to IslamView›Answers: 7Subcategories: 4
Calling non-Muslims to Islam
Answers: 7
Subcategories: 4
Sound beliefView›Answers: 6Subcategories: 6
Sound belief
Answers: 6
Subcategories: 6
Jurisprudence of Acts of WorshipView›Answers: 1Subcategories: 5
Jurisprudence of Acts of Worship
Answers: 1
Subcategories: 5
Contemporary TransactionsView›Answers: 7Subcategories: 10
Contemporary Transactions
Answers: 7
Subcategories: 10
CounsellingView›Answers: 2Subcategories: 5
Answers: 2
Subcategories: 5
Jurisprudence of Muslim MinoritiesView›Answers: 6Subcategories: 6
Jurisprudence of Muslim Minorities
Answers: 6
Subcategories: 6
Ramadaan Q&AView›Answers: 1Subcategories: 12
Ramadaan Q&A
Answers: 1
Subcategories: 12
The Woman's Adornment
Using lipstick to make the lips more full
12,878Body lotions containing animal fat
12,567Ruling on straightening the teeth
42,577Using fruits and vegetables to treat skin problems
17,275Is It Haram to Dye Your Hair?
It is permissible for a Muslim woman to dye her hair any color other than black, so long as that is not imitating non-Muslim women.409,146Plucking part of the eyebrows in order to look beautiful for ones husband
64,533Can You Pray with Makeup On?
You can offer prayer with makeup on so long as the makeup is not impure because purity of clothes and body are essential for the prayer to be valid.177,025She dyed her hair black without knowing that it is haraam. Should she leave it or change it?
23,266Should the hair of a baby girl be shaved at birth? May it be shaved for the purpose of making the hair stronger?
51,332Are Nose Jobs Haram?
If there is some defect in the nose and the purpose of the cosmetic surgery is to remove that defect, then there is nothing wrong with nose jobs (rhinoplasty). But if the purpose is simply to make it more beautiful, then it is not permissible to do this cosmetic nose surgery.245,528