MarriageSubcategories: 9
Subcategories: 9
Calling non-Muslims to IslamView›Answers: 7Subcategories: 4
Calling non-Muslims to Islam
Answers: 7
Subcategories: 4
Sound beliefView›Answers: 6Subcategories: 6
Sound belief
Answers: 6
Subcategories: 6
Jurisprudence of Acts of WorshipView›Answers: 1Subcategories: 5
Jurisprudence of Acts of Worship
Answers: 1
Subcategories: 5
Contemporary TransactionsView›Answers: 7Subcategories: 10
Contemporary Transactions
Answers: 7
Subcategories: 10
CounsellingView›Answers: 2Subcategories: 5
Answers: 2
Subcategories: 5
Jurisprudence of Muslim MinoritiesView›Answers: 6Subcategories: 6
Jurisprudence of Muslim Minorities
Answers: 6
Subcategories: 6
Ramadaan Q&AView›Answers: 1Subcategories: 12
Ramadaan Q&A
Answers: 1
Subcategories: 12
Mixing and Hand Shaking
He has repented from a haraam relationship; should he marry his former girlfriend if she becomes Muslim?
49,038He had an operation to turn him from a man into a woman (“sex-change”). Can he be alone with women?
58,519Internet relationships
42,037Diagnostic imaging of women by men and its relationship to fasting and touching
15,656He had a relationship with a girl for two years, can he propose marriage to her?
11,534She has committed haraam actions with her fiancé
51,897Her friend keeps company with men and commits sins, and she refuses to accept advice. What is to be done?
15,484Friendship and love between a man and a woman
158,519It is not permissible to shake hands with a non-mahram woman, even from behind a barrier
18,666Ruling on being intimate with a non-mahram woman without intercourse