MarriageSubcategories: 9
Subcategories: 9
Calling non-Muslims to IslamView›Answers: 7Subcategories: 4
Calling non-Muslims to Islam
Answers: 7
Subcategories: 4
Sound beliefView›Answers: 6Subcategories: 6
Sound belief
Answers: 6
Subcategories: 6
Jurisprudence of Acts of WorshipView›Answers: 1Subcategories: 5
Jurisprudence of Acts of Worship
Answers: 1
Subcategories: 5
Contemporary TransactionsView›Answers: 7Subcategories: 10
Contemporary Transactions
Answers: 7
Subcategories: 10
CounsellingView›Answers: 2Subcategories: 5
Answers: 2
Subcategories: 5
Jurisprudence of Muslim MinoritiesView›Answers: 6Subcategories: 6
Jurisprudence of Muslim Minorities
Answers: 6
Subcategories: 6
Ramadaan Q&AView›Answers: 1Subcategories: 12
Ramadaan Q&A
Answers: 1
Subcategories: 12
Mixing and Hand Shaking
It is not permissible to shake hands with a non-mahram woman, even from behind a barrier
18,666Ruling on being intimate with a non-mahram woman without intercourse
57,372What Constitutes Zina?
Zina does not refer only to penetration, rather there is 1- the zina of the hand, 2- the zina of the eyes, and 3- the zina of the tongue, even though zina that is committed with the private parts, is the zina which is punishable with the hadd in Islam.609,580What Is the Punishment for Lesbianism?
The imams are agreed that there is no certain punishment for lesbianism because it is not zina, rather it is to be punished with a ta`zir punishment in which the judge punishes the one who does that with a punishment which will deter her and others from doing this haram action.185,532Men and women talking in chat rooms
192,119Correspondence between the sexes
53,141He has repented from a relationship with a woman over the internet
10,547What is the khulwah that is forbidden?
28,855It is not permissible for a shaykh to be alone with a non-mahram woman in order to recite ruqyah for her
12,147Sitting with non-mahrams in complete hijab