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Calling non-Muslims to IslamView›
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Calling non-Muslims to Islam
Sound beliefView›
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Sound belief
Jurisprudence of Acts of WorshipView›
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Jurisprudence of Acts of Worship
Contemporary TransactionsView›
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Contemporary Transactions
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Jurisprudence of Muslim MinoritiesView›
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Jurisprudence of Muslim Minorities
Ramadaan Q&AView›
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Subcategories: 12
Ramadaan Q&A
The Woman's Ritual Purity
Can Women Enter the Mosque During Menses?
It is not permissible for a menstruating woman to stay in the mosque. As for passing through the mosque, there is nothing wrong with that. Thus, it is not permissible for her to go there to listen to Halaqahs (study circles) and recitation of Quran, unless there is a place outside the mosque where the sound can reach via loudspeakers, in which case she can sit there and listen to the Dhikr.338,331She saw the tuhr then she had some discharge – what should she do?
36,639She was not certain that her period had ended, and she prayed and fasted
142,825If the bleeding lasts for more than 15 days is it still regarded as menstruation, and can she fast?
143,772Can You Do Ghusl with Braids?
A woman does not have to undo her hair when she does Ghusl following Janabah (impurity following sexual discharge), but she must make sure that the water reaches all parts of her body, including the hair and its roots.187,034Her periods stopped but a little bit of blood that was pale in colour came out
15,349She purified herself following her menses then she saw some drops of blood
18,180Her period comes twice a month – should she stop praying and fasting each time?
75,74840-Day Rule after Birth in Islam: When Can Women Pray and Fast?
If a woman in nifas sees that she has become pure before 40 days are over, then she should do ghusl and pray and fast, and her husband may have intercourse with her.256,370Should You Continue Fasting If You Get Your Period Just Before Sunset?
It is haram for a Muslim woman to continue fasting when she is menstruating. If she gets her period while fasting, her fast is spoiled, even if the blood comes a moment before sunset, and she has to make that up if it was an obligatory fast.428,960