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The Muslim WomanSubcategories: 16
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Prayer of Exempted People
Ruling on a traveller joining his prayers at the end of the day
15,892Doing one prayer straight after the other when combining two prayers
30,073He has an exam that will cover the time of ‘Asr and Maghrib – how should he pray?
64,560Can You Combine Prayers when Sick?
It is permissible for a sick person to join prayers, so he may join Dhuhr and `Asr, and Maghrib and `Isha’, at the time of the earlier or later prayer, depending on what is easiest for him. Difficulty caused by sickness is one of the excuses which make it permissible to join prayers.91,582Joining Maghrib and ‘Isha’ because of the curfew
74,807What is the ruling on giving two adhans and two iqaamahs when joining prayers?
24,622Can a person who travels and stays somewhere for one day join and shorten his prayers?
22,070A traveller joined two prayers together at the time of the earlier one, then he went back to his city before the time for the later prayer began
156,275Do the rulings on travellers apply to one who intends to stay for three days?
57,809Ruling on prayer in congregation for one who is sick and one who cannot control najaasah (impurity)