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Ramadaan Q&AView›Answers: 1Subcategories: 12
Fasting of the Traveler
He broke his fast on the day when he intended to go back to his city
10,828He is travelling for ten days, can he avail himself of the concession allowed to travellers?
21,588A traveler knows that he will come back tomorrow – is it permissible for him not to fast?
18,961He is going to travel from one city to another and come back on the same day; can he break his fast?
77,247When Is It Forbidden for a Traveller to Break the Fast?
It is haram for a traveller to break his fast when: 1- he is travelling but the distance does not reach the distance at which it becomes permissible to shorten the prayers, 2- his journey is not permissible, 3- he is travelling in order to break the fast, and 4- he is travelling and wants to break the fast before leaving the houses of his village or city.117,116A man travels a great deal for his work; should he not fast in Ramadaan?
14,055He works for the military– is it permissible for him not to fast in Ramadaan?
11,441A teacher breaking his fast so that he can keep his voice loud
10,211They work in difficult jobs such as smelting metals
15,463The meaning of the hadith “It is not an act of righteousness to fast when travelling”